How do I join?
All active Gazette subscribers are invited to join the Gazette Rewards group. Click the 'Log In' button in the upper right hand corner of this page and login to your Gazette account. If you are not a subscriber call 319-398-8333 or click here to subscribe.
How do I earn points?
Active subscribers earn points every month. These points are automatically added to your point balance. You can also earn points by taking part in special events or completing activities offered by The Gazette. Look for emails or notices of Gazette events offering codes that can be entered to earn bonus points.
Can I enter to win a prize more than once?
Absolutely! For prize drawings, you can enter as many times as you like. Just make sure you have enough points for additional entries. The more times you enter, the greater your odds of being a winner. Even if you enter multiple times, you can only win one of the prizes from the drawing. Once your name has been drawn, your other entries will become inactive for that prize.

For “claim-it-now” prizes such as most gift cards and discounts, you will be limited to one instance and cannot claim multiples of the same prize.
How do I find out about prizes being offered?
You can check the Rewards site periodically to see current and some upcoming prizes. Be sure to also watch your email for announcements from us about upcoming offers.
How will I know if I won a prize drawing?
In the prize description, you will see the date and time that the electronic drawings take place. Shortly after that happens, winners will be notified via email that they have won. The messages will go to the email address associated with your subscription to The Gazette (or the one you registered with). You can check your prize status by logging into Gazette Rewards and clicking "Claim Points/My Rewards."

Make sure you follow the instructions to ensure you successfully claim your prize. Many prizes require you to RSVP or use a discount by a particular date. If you miss the due date, the prize can be forfeited or awarded to another Rewards member in a second-chance drawing for unclaimed prizes.
If I don't win a drawing, do I get my points back?
Once you enter a drawing, those points will not be returned to your point balance, so be sure you want to enter a drawing before you hit the submit button.
What if I win a prize, but then can't use it? Can I get my points back?
Points will only be returned if the event itself is cancelled by the event host (e.g. due to weather events). In this instance, once we are made aware of the event cancellation, we will return points to those who entered that drawing.
What's the deal with the testimonials?
You may notice a link that allows you to upload testimonials and share your positive experiences with other Rewards members. Often, when trying to decide whether or not to enter a prize drawing, it is helpful to read the feedback from Rewards members who have won a similar prize in the past. It’s totally optional, but it’s a really cool thing to do. We appreciate it when our Rewards members choose to do this, but we understand if you would just prefer to brag about your VIP experience among friends.
What if my business wants to offer a prize or VIP experience for Gazette Rewards?
We love to present our Rewards members with new and unique prizes and events. If you have an opportunity that you think would be of interest to our Rewards members, contact Quinn Pettifer at 319-398-8240 or by email at quinn.pettifer@thegazette.com for details on becoming a Gazette Rewards partner.
Can I give my points away?
Subscribers who earn points may apply their points to The Gazette Gives Back voting campaign. This annual program selects area nonprofits to earn free advertising credit for the calendar year ahead. How much free advertising per nonprofit is determined by community votes. As a Gazette subscriber and Rewards member, you may convert your points into votes for your favorite participating nonprofit. Full details about The Gazette Gives Back can be found here.
Can I use my points towards items in the Gazette online store?
Points have no monetary value. Gazette Rewards points are just for fun and cannot be converted to currency in any way.
I see a VIP event that I really want, but I'm out of points. Can I buy points?
We’re very sorry, but points cannot be purchased, traded or pooled.
Who draws the winners for the prizes?
Skynet. Just kidding. Actually, once the drawing is set to take place, all entries are made available for a computerized, random selection. The computer randomly selects the number of winners equal to the number of prizes available. So, if we have ten pairs of VIP event passes, the computer will deliver ten winning entries from the total pool.

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