Hercule’s Haven

Hercules’ Haven is a forever home for abused, neglected and unwanted farm animals. This organization provides opportunities for people to connect and restore while nurturing respect for all creatures, with programming that helps heal the minds, souls and bodies of all who visit. The nonprofit strive to help the community grow in empathy and see animals as beings capable of dreams, sorrow, suffering and joy. Hercules’ Haven cares for more than 60 “rescues,” and offers educational programming, creative and restorative events. The growing team of animal ambassadors teaches compassion, offers comfort, and inspires growth. In 2019, the space was moved from four acres in suburban Cedar Rapids to 40 acres in Springville, Iowa, enabling visitors for Open Barn Days, yoga classes, cooking lessons, family events, craft instruction, school groups and community organizations. Dedicated volunteers staff events, care for the animals, maintain the property, run the office, and empower the online community.
3043 Springville Rd Springville, IA 52336